This license applies to all downloadable items, paid, free or a bundle.
We might provide you with free access to third party services & platforms. If this is the case, the license / terms & agreements from this service will be applicable.
What’s allowed
Use any item included for both personal and commercial use.
Fonts, Add-Ons (actions, brushes, etc), and other installable items may be used across multiple projects.
For yourself or on behalf of a client
Fonts may be printed on to products that are subsequently sold.
Fonts may be used on websites and within website design.
Graphics may be printed on to products that are subsequently sold when an effort is made to use them as part of a new design including a variation of other graphics or fonts.
What’s not allowed
Items cannot be sub-licensed, resold, shared, transferred, or otherwise redistributed on its own (even for free)
Items cannot be included (even for free) in the sale of another item.
- For example, the inclusion of a font when selling a digital logo template designed using this font. Logo designs for clients must be flattened, if your client doesn’t own a license for the font in question.
Fonts may NOT be installed onto web interfaces allowing customers to use them in product creation.
If you have any question regarding the license, please contact us on
Extended Licence
This license applies to all downloadable items, paid, free or a bundle.
We might provide you with free access to third party services platforms.
If this is the case, the license / terms agreements from this service will be applicable.
Extended license gives you the right to use the work for purposes such as:
Include LeoSupply.Co fonts in commercial projects.
Exclusively use LeoSupply.Co fonts in designs for sale e.g. art prints sold on Etsy, book covers sold on Amazon, etc.
(print media, digital media, on the packaging of goods, including magazines, newspapers and books)
(film, video, multimedia presentations or advertising intended for broadcast, public display or streaming)
Use LeoSupply.Co fonts your iOS or Android App-s and websites.
Use LeoSupply.Co fonts an unlimited number of times/clients.
This license applies to one product.
If you want to use several products, you should buy a separate Extended License for each artwork.
The artworks may not be resold, give away, sub licensed, rented, transferred.
You may not claim the artwork as your own.
You may not distribute/share/sell any of my artworks
Share files with clients or other designers.
You may NOT sell or re-distribute my designs.
Please keep in mind that this license is for small extended use and we will continue to sell these same designs.
If you plan to manufacture an item with my design in excess of 25000 pieces you must contact me for a different price plan.
If you have any question regarding the license, please contact us on
329 ProBrush BUNDLE ™
Buy this great PROBRUSH™ packs in one bundle worth $45 just for $16!
This professional Illustrator brush BUNDLE contains 329 high quality classic, grunge, brush, pencil, coal, pastels, flowmaster and many other brushes from ProBrush™ packs intended for professional designers, illustrators and artists.
+ BONUSES included!
Install instructions:
1.File is in .zip , sometimes Mac users have problems with unpacking of this bundle. Problem should be resolved by using Zipeg program to unzip the file.
2. Windows users:You need to open them from Illustrator: Brushes - Other Library - find brushes and just click on them.
3. Mac users:Just copy all of the brush files into your Illustrator brush Library. (User - Library - Application Support - Adobe - Adobe Illustrator (your version) - Your Language - Brushes)
Here is list of 5 professional ProBrush™ packs with short discription of them:
This professional Illustrator brush pack contains 10 high quality pressure brushes and 6 classic brushes intended for professional designers, illustrators and artists..
This professional Illustrator brush pack contains 59 high quality handmade roller paint brushes and brush brushes intended for professional designers, illustrators and artists.
This professional Illustrator brush pack contains 59 high quality handmade chalk brushes intended for professional designers, illustrators and artists.
This professional Illustrator brush pack contains 83 high quality grunge, ink, flowmaster brushes intended for professional designers, illustrators and artists.
This professional Illustrator brush pack contains 80 high quality classic, ink, brush, pencil, coal brushes intended for professional designers, illustrators and artists.
There is so many Adobe Photoshop brushes but it is really hard to find great Adobe Illustrator brushes.